Happy Wednesday!
Here is issue #009 of our newsletter, where we collect news and tools that we find interesting for your Rails project.
2. RailsConf 2020 couch edition: RailsConf 2020 was cancelled a few weeks ago due to the COVID-19 situation, but a remote version of the conference was just announced ✌️.
3. Rails and have been released: Rails and were released to fix a security issue that affects all versions of Rails. Make sure to do the upgrade.
4. Ruby 2.7.1, 2.6.6, 2.5.8 and 2.4.10 have been released: Last few versions of Ruby were updated with a security patch 💎.
5. First version of dry-rails was released: This gem provides built-in support for dry-system that works out of the box with both Rails 5 and 6 💯.
We hope you find these links useful. Feel free to forward it to your friends! ;)
Have a nice week and stay safe!
The FastRuby.io team.