Happy Thursday! Here is issue #104 of our newsletter with news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects… 1. 🚀 Developers can upgrade internal gems to be compatible with the latest Ruby/Rails version, ensuring a smoother transition and stable application performance. Gelsey shares everything you need to know about successfully upgrading internal gems. 2. 🧠 An article tracking down a memory leak that showcases the benefits of upgrading Rails and the gems used. 3. 💎🚮 Useful article to learn about Garbage Collection, with some good tips about Measuring Ruby Garbage Collector. 4. 📚 New versions of bundler released rubygems/bundler/CHANGELOG.md at master · rubygems/rubygems. 🚀 Need an Action Plan to Upgrade to Rails 7.2 and Ruby 3.3? Discover the work and effort it takes to upgrade and ensure security compliance. Backed by 30,000+ hours on upgrades, your zero-downtime upgrade journey begins here. The Upgrade Roadmap by @FastRubyIO allows you to know how long it will take to upgrade before you begin. 5. 🗂️ When your application succeeds, specific tables, like the users table, can grow significantly. If you're diligent, you'll periodically monitor your database's performance. Any slow queries in the metrics likely indicate a missing index; more info about Safely adding an index in a production database. 6. 🤖 There are now many state-of-the-art machine-learning libraries available for Ruby. If you’re a Ruby engineer who’s interested in machine learning, now’s a good time to learn about the 16 gems for Ruby to work with Machine Learning. 7. 🩹 Reminder: New security patches of Rails were released Rails Versions,,, and 7.2.0.beta2 have been released!
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